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Image Of - Dive Charter to the wreck of the Resor July 1, 2022

Dive Charter to the wreck of the Resor September 20, 2025

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Product Code: NJW-092025
We currently have 10 space(s) available.
Manufacturer: Gypsy Blood

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  • Date: September 20, 2025
  • Depth: 125'
  • Dive Boat: Gypsy Blood
  • Max Divers: 14
  • 2 Dives
  • Departing from (Use for GPS) 1 Saint Louis Ave, Point Pleasant Beach NJ 08742
  • Departure Time: 6:00am sharp

Our website keeps track of the available spots, If you can add it to the cart there is a spot available.
They are first come first serve. Putting it in your cart does not hold the space. You must fully checkout.

Scubadelphia is limited to a specific amount divers per charter. Charters do fill up quickly, first come first serve policy. Reservations require full payment for your charter.

Once you reserve a space you are responsible for the full price of the charter, unless the space can be filled.

* Divers must be Advanced Open Water Certified & must carry a redundant air source.
* Cold water experience required
* Solo Diving is permitted for Recreational Diving only if you hold the proper certification.

Special Note To Divers - Times listed are actual departure times. Hint Hint, to reduce unnecessary stress and anxiety before diving, arrive a half-hour to forty-five minutes prior to departure. If not, the boat will leave without you! Enjoy your dives!!!!


The tanker R.P. Resor, was built in 1935 by the Federal Ship Building Company in Kearney NJ. She was 445 feet long, with a breadth of 66 feet. The Resor was a large ship that displaced 7,500 tons. She could carry over 80, 000 barrels of oil. She was named after the treasurer of the Standard oil company, which owned her.

The Resor quietly plied her trade for 7 years until February, of 1942. She was on her way from Texas, to Fall River Mass, with a full load of oil. Though a war was on, the New Jersey coast was well lit, The tanker had her running lights on. This made her an easy target for Kapitan Ernst Rehwinkle, commander of the U-578. The German submarine, launched two torpedoes into the heavily laden tanker. Each torpedo was followed by a large explosion, that tore open the tanker’s hull, and poured oil on the water. The flammable liquid caught fire, and burned for two days off the coast. The ship could be seen burning from shore. For many Americans, this was the first time they felt the hot breath of war at their door step. The papers at the time, kept quiet, the number of ships that were lost to boost, morale. Unfortunately there was no hiding this one from the public. As an aside, the USS Jacob Jones was sent to try and help look for both survivors and the U-boat. The Jacob Jones found only it’s death, when it too, was sunk by the U-578 a little further south, off of Cape May. The US Coast Guard did save two men from the Resor, but over 50 Perished in the fire.

Today, the Resor is at rest, in 130 feet of clear New Jersey water. She lies 60 miles from Great Kills harbor, about a 3 hour run for the John Jack. She is almost directly offshore of Barnegat NJ. Her distance offshore, helps to make the RP Resor, one of the best dive sites in the area. The clean sand bottom boosts the visibility, to almost 80 feet on many days. 40 foot of vis is an average day. The Resor lies in three distinct, but connected sections.

The Stern section of the Resor, is probably the most often dove 

area. The stern is also the most intact section, rising over 40 feet off the bottom. It is completely twisted off of the rest of the ship, on a steep angle to port, and downward. It is easy to penetrate this section of the wreck. You could spend many dives just exploring this area. One of the most notable features of this wreck is the 3inch gun mounted in the stern. This is where we often tie in. It never ceases to amaze me, how many divers never notice the gun, even though they were right next to it. Part of learning to wreck dive, is learning the art of “seeing”.

The stern of the wreck is connected to the center tank section by a heavy cable and some steel wreckage. This area of the wreck, is dove the least. It is mainly large flat plates, rising only 6-10 feet, off the sand. This is a great place to look for lobster. Did I say lobster ?? The Resor is FAMOUS for lobsters. The large holes and pipes, offer excellent homes for granddaddy bugs. The mud hole wrecks, are often referred to as “two knife” dives, because of all the monofilament . The Resor is a “two bagger” for all the lobsters you can catch. When you limit out on bugs, you can switch to scalloping. This area of the ocean, is frequented by draggers, searching for scallops. That’s because they are here in abundance. The center section of the wreck is most easily navigated if you can recognize the large center beam, or back bone of the ship. You can travel forward on one side of the beam, then travel down the other side on the way back. The good vis helps you keep the beam in sight at all times.

The bow section of the Resor is an awesome dive, in and of it’s self. We sometimes tie the anchor into the very tip of the intact bow. It is very cool to come down the anchor line, and see the bow materialize out of the green water. The Bow is deeply buried in the sand only about 8 feet of the hull sticks out. But it is intact, and upright, all the way to the tip. You can actually get inside the bow very easily. There is plenty of ambient light. The lobstering in here is good, with several large lobsters tucked in the corners. If no one has hit it in awhile, you can catch over 8 bugs in this part of the bow alone.

Once you finish with that spot, you can travel sternwards over the bow winch complete with anchors. This is a great photo opp. In the sand, on the port side is a large bollard. The wreckage now starts to break down blending into the center section. There are several large spools of cable here as well. If you swim over to the other side, you can swim forward back to the tip of the bow. There are many smaller pieces of wreckage off in the sand that should not be over looked.

The Resor if far from shore, and is not visited as often as the inshore wrecks. Many attempted Resor trips, end up falling short to a closer wreck, due to weather considerations. But when you do get out there, it is worth every mile, and every blown out attempt. If you are luck enough to be out there for a night dive, you are truly blessed. Night time, is for lobsters. This is when the BIG bugs come out. The Resor has a reputation for producing lobsters way over 10 pounds. The Resor is also home to many cod fish and large flounder. It is a seafood hunters paradise. The stern section is a brass hounds best friend. This is where the portholes are found, as well as many other brass artifacts from the engine room. One thing I have not really seen come up from the wreck is china. There must be a load of it there. So what ever your pleasure, food, photos, or treasure, the Resor has it all, in spades.

This is a "Must Dive" for a New Jersey wreck dive!
