Aerospace Lubricants Oxygen Compatible Lubricant Tribolube 71 is designed for open and closed circuit diving systems.
Aerospace Lubricants Oxygen Compatible Lubricant Tribolube 2 Oz. Syringe is designed for open and closed circuit diving systems.
TRIBOLUBE 71 primary characteristic is that it uses PTFE
that has not been irradiated. Non-irradiated PTFE over long
term exposure has demonstrated it does not corrode aluminum
Aerospace Lubricants Oxygen Compatible Lubricant Tribolube 2 Oz. Syringe is designed for open and closed circuit diving systems.
TRIBOLUBE 71 primary characteristic is that it uses PTFE
that has not been irradiated. Non-irradiated PTFE over long
term exposure has demonstrated it does not corrode aluminum
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