This manual explains in simple terms everything CCR Diver wants to know about utilizing a CCR in a Cave. It is basically a "how" to guide for diving and planning dives on a CCR. The manual is presented in a manor that will allow the information to be applied to any rebreather; with unit specific appendices for some of the most common units on the market.
Remarks from Mel Clark about her new book- CCR Cave Diving "Almost Simplified"
I realized as a CCR cave instructor that there is a void of information available to the new CCR cave diver specifically in regards to dive planning. I feel that it is important for a student to be armed with information before attending a class, as this will increase learning, retention, and overall safety.
My latest book CCR Cave Diving "Almost Simplified" is my attempt to help the upcoming CCR cave diver get the most out of their class. Like all my previous "CCR Simplified" manuals the goal is to put in simple words how to use the rebreather in the particular application in this case the cave environment.
Remarks from Mel Clark about her new book- CCR Cave Diving "Almost Simplified"
I realized as a CCR cave instructor that there is a void of information available to the new CCR cave diver specifically in regards to dive planning. I feel that it is important for a student to be armed with information before attending a class, as this will increase learning, retention, and overall safety.
My latest book CCR Cave Diving "Almost Simplified" is my attempt to help the upcoming CCR cave diver get the most out of their class. Like all my previous "CCR Simplified" manuals the goal is to put in simple words how to use the rebreather in the particular application in this case the cave environment.